Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Music Man

He’s a music man yet his soul is sound asleep; Along with his piano in his dimly lit loft. When she sings he doesn’t sing sweetly, it’s too soft and gentle. The piano he sits at is dusty but so elegant; it makes the most beautiful sound that can wake a soul just with one touch of a key. He sits there looking at the black keys of the piano reflecting, pondering where did she go.
She, the goddess so beautiful and mysterious. He never saw her, but he knew she was inside him singing a tune in his soul. She was his muse and he knew she was the one responsible for the lovely music that illuminated his soul and granted his desire to play and create music. He wants the notes to flow through others just like his goddess flows through him.
Every time he sat at his piano he closed his eyes and imagined what she looks like. Long wavy black hair, big blue eyes, ivory skin, average height or perhaps she’s bigger than the world. Other times it was different but still, the result was the same: A bright warm light that fulfils his inspiration and only beautiful melodies would come pouring out of his soul through his fingers and on to the ivories on his piano. The unlively streets of Paris is where he played so the music could flow through and make the people of france feel lively.
Now he only looks back to the days when music came his way and where his goddess went. He sat many times looking at his reflection in those dusty black keys and thought to himself; I was younger then but now I’m just an old man who used to have everything. A sad notion but a painfully logical one indeed. He nods in agreement to his own realization.
He thinks back at the days when people heard his music in the lightly lit streets of paris and loved it. It was hard in those days in france, getting to have people come and see a person at a piano; trying to bring peace and tranquility to the people during the time of war. He knew trying make a living from his passion he knew he would still live a meager life, but he would continue to play.
The music man was so obsessed and in love with his goddess. He really didn’t know what love truly was as a young naïve man. Short light- brown hair, lanky, and green eyes. He never walks with confidence unless he’s walking towards a piano. He eventually found real love; he wanted to find real love, his own inspiration and his own soft but gentle song to sing.
It was a dark but a beautiful night; the moon pouring its celestial light as it saunters around lady Malina and the piano that catches the music man’s attention. Silky Golden- blond hair that falls over her shoulders, heart shaped face, fair skin, rosy cheeks, and hazel eyes. A noble? Or my goddess? He thought to himself as his gaze never left hers and time was lost in an
abandon street where nobles are known to roam. She stands still in the moment with him and he sees the gleam in her eyes as if she was dancing to the melody of the song in his heart.

He finally found love and continued to play his favorite song to his first truest love lady Malina, and she too was happy with the music man. She decided when she first met him that, even though he’s a commoner; that fact could never change her heart. All that mattered to her is what’s in the inside of her love the music man. He stopped playing through the song and gazed at her as she was dancing. He then realized that Malina is his goddess. How she makes his soul spiral: the thought of her illuminated his soul, the music stuck in his head.
Years went by and their love was getting stronger, but they were getting older. They could not wed because a noble cannot marry a commoner, but they still wanted a family. The music man still wanted the beautiful sound of his dusty piano, dimly lit loft where he creates his music, his sacred haven. He knows he must give that up for a family; for his lovely Malina He knew he wouldn’t be able to support his family with his music; he must give up his passion for his love, and a family. He abandons his piano, trying to ignore the music in his head, fighting and trying not to go back to the haven he once knew. Malina was his strength not to go back and leave his dusty fine tuned piano behind. One look in her eyes and he knew he wanted that family.
Together hand in hand was his musical paradise. Over time the goddess was fading away, abandoning the music man and he felt it too. They could not be wedded, and she could not be with child. The music man felt a sad song in her iridescent heart. Could she still love to dance? He gently took her hand and twirled her around with a somber look on her face. She met his gaze as she saw him smiling at her and she suddenly found herself smiling with him. They were dancing once again, the music man was humming and there was still a hope in the song.
Finally, she was with child and the music man kept on humming the melody of the song he named after his love. Every note in his soul was on key. Their happiness was short lived.
They lost their child and his love fell ill. She was depressed, broken-hearted and not even her love the music man; singing to her couldn’t bring her joy. Years passed, and she perished. The loss of her child, her broken heart and depression; killing her ever so slowly throughout the years. Before her final moment: she held on long enough and smiled at the music man and him seeing the gleam in her eyes dancing once more. The smile faded for it was the very last time he would ever see her smiling again.

I am the music man and my soul has been asleep for far too long. Lovely goddess, I beg of you to come back so I can play my best masterpiece (Malina) once more. I implore you to pleases come back to me! I’m an old man and “This is my final hour. He sits alone back at his loft waiting for the goddess to reply. The goddess did not respond and in his last moment, he heard the piano play his masterpiece. I am The Music Man and the music shall always live and die with me. FIN

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved it! I felt sorry for the music man and It hit my soul.


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