Sunday, February 25, 2018


She’s an angel who loves to play with the wolf. The sound of her lushes’ voice echoing through the forest and into the wolfs den. The wolf is entranced by her smell, voice and skin: even though they haven’t touched yet, the wolf feels like they have.
She is a virtuous young maiden and the wolf longs to be touched by her. Sapphire, is her name but, her name doesn’t do her justice, the wolf thinks to himself. Honey silk hair, ember eyes, soft features, olive skin. When she runs in her dress, it looks like she’s wearing wings.
“I wish you would talk with me, as much as we play together,” she says to the wolf.
I’m vicious, crude, and dirty: I am a ruthless killer and I made people bleed out rubies; he wants to say that to her, but he remains silent. They are strangers to another: one is made out of all the most brilliant bright colors. The other stranger is dark: full of sin, even when he was in his most victorious moments as a boy knight. The angel still wants to play with the wolf.
                A castle full of dreams is what she strives for, instead of a castle full of dukes and knights: a king who neglects is daughter and a queen so harsh; not even love can out weight the riches, she showers her daughter with. The forest is where she belongs; her castle is not the inner parts of England.
The wolf stalks the angle tracking her scent, wondering where she is running off to. He finds her looking about in his den. where am I and where did he go? She asks herself. A cave filled with wonder, a strange picture lit by the candlelight of a handsome, vicious looking boy holding a sword, she instantly recognizes those beautiful pale blue eyes.
Sapphire sees a silhouette of the wolf and quivers at the sight of him. She looks into his eyes and her heart slows down. The angel who he sees past his eyes, delicately takes the picture of the boy and studies wolf closely.
“I know who you are,” she says to the wolf with a sad look playing on her face. “Don’t just stand there and nod! “talk to me boy knight.” The angel with a heavenly smile, disappeared for a moment and that moment only; or was his eyes deceiving him by her olive skin he never touched or the warmth of her wide spread wings.
Why does the angel look so sad and disappointed at me? what can I possibly say to her? The wolf asks himself, puzzled by the way he feels right now. the angel’s eyes looked swollen with her sorrows, but she still managed to propel herself forward gracefully out of the wolfs den. The wolfs eyes widen in horror of the thought that, once she leaves the den he’ll never see her again.
The wolf sprinted forward, and leaped in the air, and the wolfs paw landed on the hem of the angel’s dress; in a plea for her to stay. The angel turned back, and she saw a strange look in the wolfs eyes. The wolf realized he touched the angel, without harming her. The wolf surprised himself: “I touched someone without hurting them for the first time”, he thought to himself. The wolf looked up to meet the angel’s gaze and she, waiting for the wolf to say something, or do something: Nudge her with affection, paw her playfully. The wolf said nothing, and the angel started to tear up again.
“Are you that afraid to be my friend?” she asked the wolf. Then she strode away with the bottom of her dress torn from the wolfs paw, still on the piece of the dress, watching the angel walk away once more.
The wolf howled in despair, crying and tearing himself up inside. Why? why couldn’t I say anything when I know that I can speak? The wolf questions himself. The last thing the angel said to him before she left, echo’s in the wolfs head, and the thought of friendship breaks the wolfs heart.” Can the angel be so cruel to me?” “who would ever want to be my friend, when all I ever did was kill?”  the wolf asks himself in his time of dispaie.
Years passed by and the angel wasn’t a young maiden anymore; She was to be crowned queen. As the wolf aged, he was dying by his cursed sword. There hasn’t been a day that passed by, when the angel and wolf haven’t thought about each other, Their hearts wither with the happy, and painful memories that they created together. The wolf looks back at his youth, when he was a boy knight; he gazed upon his blood-stained sword, with countless lives he took in the mits, of battle for his majesty the king. ‘I’m no boy knight, if was; I’d have honor, but I do not”. “I’m a killer, a savaged wolf”.
His sword saw straight into his soul, and turned the boy knight into a wolf, the flash back of his knight hood reminded him what he used to be, and how he became what he’s been for years. He goes to his sword and gazes into it once more; before he takes his final breath. He looks back on the happy memories of him and the angel, and the last words she spoke to him.
“The angel was never afraid of me! not once had I scared her”. She really did want to be my friend, and when I touched her: I didn’t kill her or harm her, wolf said to himself. Warmth rushed through hi heart and he saw his human appearance in his sword.  He looked himself over many times, and he was human again. “This is who the angel saw all this time,” he said to himself. He rushed to the castle to see the angel, to seek for her forgiveness.

Everybody in England attended princess Sapphires coronation. Before she got crowned queen, everybody; especially sapphire heard: clings, grunts, and groans, coming from outside. A guard went through the door landing face first, and she saw a scruffy, but handsome man holding a sword in his hand; with a slight cut on the bottom of his lip, blue pale eyes, and a lean muscular build. His eyes were wild and kind. The angel sat up from the throne and gazed into the man’s eyes, from a distance. She wasn’t quite sure but, she was hoping she was right, the man walks to the angel eagerly and touches the angels hand and held it gently. He looked up at her smiling. “I didn’t hurt you again angel sapphire”, the man said to her. The angel was smiling with him, and hugged the man tightly, as she said: I always knew you were my friend, my wolf.
                                                   She’s an angel who loves to play with the wolf.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like it. It made me think.


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