Friday, March 2, 2018


        Its dark as night, but there’s a blood-red glistening light that covers the carnivorous mountains in the kingdom of Ferron. Rem couldn’t fathom how she ended up there. Her purple eyes gazing from the distance of her lost kingdom. Her long-wavy silver hair blowing from the angry wind, with fury playing on her beautiful oval face. The crown princess of Ferron; that’s what her servants, as well as the captain of the guard always called her. Now all she can do is find the person responsible for putting her on the mountain with only a switch-blade, and two short swords.
       “No food or water? They could at least provide me with a fur coat made from the skin of snow wolves!” Rem said irritably, stomping her boot in the unsteady snowy mountain.
       Rem surveyed the area, looking for a trail that leads to a village. She walked for a long time in search for a trail, and her body was worn out from the cold, as well as fatigue. Her body was about to give out until a Vulcan appeared with the intent to kill her, then take over her body with magic that was lost thousands of years ago. She took hold of her switch-blade to defend herself, but her vision became blurry and her body gave out. Rem tried her best to stay conscious. The Vulcan got closer to her; before she passed out she saw a silhouette of another creature. I can’t die like this, she thought to herself.
       Four stone corners and a cold sturdy surface, is where she woke up disoriented and unarmed.
 “You look rather familiar, though I could be mistaken.” A man said casually, holding Rems weapons.
       Rem studied the man cautiously: black hair, golden-brown eyes, tan skin, muscular build and strong features. Her instincts told her he can prove to be dangerous. I need to focus on my mission and I can’t be bothered with such trifles! She thought to herself.
 “Thank you for saving me from the Vulcan and now I must take my leave young man.” She said, trying to sound like a peasant woman.

“ Fine, but you won’t be needing those unrefined weapons, The man said to Rem. by the way, my name is Lexzorus,” he added.
       Rem looked at him with disbelief and charged at him to get her weapons back. Lexzorus dodged her attack making her stumble, and land on her bottom.

 “Give me my weapons back, you unruly man!” Rem said in a commanding tone. He also looked familiar to her as well.
“You’re better off using magic, your highness. And please, leave the physical stuff to me. plus, we need to get our kingdom back.” Lexzorus said exasperatedly, surprising Rem.Rem and Lexzorus went from village to village, getting information on the person responsible for Nobody knew anything about the disappearance of their lost princess, Rem. She decided to go and raid the castle, but Lexzorus thought it a bad idea. Lexzorus protest didn’t matter Rem and she found that there was conflict in herself: Find out who’s responsible for leaving her on that forsaken mountain to die and save her kingdom. Even if it means leaving her companion behind or, stay with Lexzorus and leave her kingdom behind to start a new life.
       It’s been a fortnight since she’s been abandoned on that mountain. Rem couldn’t wait any longer, she must leave Lexzorus. even the thought of that gave her a tight feeling in her chest. After nightfall, I will sneak out while he’s asleep, Rem thought to herself. So, she left him behind and was halfway to Ferron, until she felt a familiar warmth flow through her body that made her cry out in unbearable pain.
        A black and purple aura surrounded her, and she turned her head to see who it was that had harmed her. It was LEXZORUS! Her eyes widened in shock and fury. Wolfsbane! She remembered the events that occurred the night she was dumped on the mountain. 

“Your real name is not Lexzorus is it?” Rem said angrily. Her eyes turned into a midnight blue and her pupils were hardly visible. A blue-golden light was shining from her chest, and it took shape in a form of a double-edged sword. She wielded it and charged at him.
  “I’m sorry sister, but I’m the one who should rule Ferron. If I must fight you for it, even if it means to the death, then it shall be!”
   The wolfsbane was taking effect, but Rem had to make her move before it takes full effect. 

“Zorus, I should have known!” Rem said furiously with sadness in her eyes. I cannot kill him! he's my brother, She thought to herself.
  “I will take over Ferron and diminish all magic, not even you can stop me now!" Zorus said grimly, squaring his shoulders preparing to attack Rem.
   Zorus charged at Rem and before she can go on the defensive, the wolfbane took over her and she was paralyzed. Why didn’t he let the Vulcan kill me? she thought to herself. As if he read her thoughts; 

"I didn’t save you.You summoned Bealioths better-half, and you vanquished the Vulcan yourself.”
       Rem was in shock, realizing what she done. She summoned the sinful blade of the demon that once destroyed their kingdom thousands of years ago. She knew her tyrant of a brother sent the Vulcan after her. Her anger outweighed her physical pain and paralysis. She lashed out in a whirlwind of rage, that harmonized with the spirit of her sword. The clouds were clashing with each other as the eclipse of the blood moon of Hearigon descended among them.
       Rem and Zorus were eye to eye, with the same intent. They charged at the same time. Right before Zorus slashed his sword into Rems gut, Hearigon, the warlock who created Bealioths better-half, and the demon himself, appeared and protected Rem.
       “You summoned both of them.” Zorus said in shock and awe with fear in his eyes.
“That’s right, Zorus. One more move, and I will command them to kill you." Rem said darkly with a grim look masking her beautiful face. She was bluffing because her body was giving out from using too much of her power, as well as fighting off the poison at the same time. Plus, she didn’t know how she managed to summon the ancient warlock, and Bealioth.
       “You will not reign over my kingdom Zorus! if you know what’s good for you, and the realms. IF it’s a fight to the death you want, then die!” said Rem. She was about to unleash Hearigon and Bealioth, but she stopped when she saw Zorus eyes turn milky-white.
       “Darius shadow, take over magic: SOULS REVERSE!” Zorus was chanting. A red and black magic circle appeared, and the dark apprentice of Hearigons appeared and tried to take over Rems body and soul. Hearigon entered the fray on his own accord and started fighting Darius. While they were engaged in their own battle, Rem and Zorus continued theirs, along with Bealioth by Rems side.
       “I will not lose!” Rem said. "COLIDE Bealioth and Better-half! In the name of Ferron, and the four realms:“HELL'S SHADOW AND PURITY'S SHATTERED FORCE!” Rem chanted. A roar ascended from Better-Half, as Bealioth infused himself with the sword. The ground shook as light poured from the heavens and hell fire erupted from the ground. Bealioth over shadowed the eclipse, steeling its power and combining it with Rems purity power and Hearigon disappeared. “Bealioth is whole and at his full strength, now that he with his counterpart.” Rem said imperiously.
       “No, don’t, please!" Zorus, bowed on his knees. "I surrender and I’m sorry for such atrocities towards Ferron and its people.” Zorus said stricken with fear beyond all four realms.
       Rem didn’t consider a word her wretched brother had said to her.
 “Too late!” Rem said fiercely. A golden light was glowing from her chest, she held out her hand, and Bealioth took it. A light- blue ray of light in fused with black and red from Bealioths power, burst out of her chest. It went through Zorus, annihilating him along with Darius. Ferron and the for realms have been restored from Zorus treachery. Rem got her kingdom back, and the citizens and villages are safe once more.
       “I’m dark and light.I’m the protector of the four realms. I’M also the princess of Ferron: the first realm. most importantly, I AM REM.…Don’t you agree Bealioth?"


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